1. Product Metrics Framework
Free chapter: Develop good success metrics and KPI's for your product.
Without success metrics you don’t know how your product is performing at any moment or how that performance has changed over time.
Metric selection can often be a difficult task for product managers, given that it requires a different type of thinking than most of the other problems they face.
This chapter of the course teaches you product metrics frameworks and best practices you can use to develop your product success metrics.
Note: this chapter is offered for free as a preview for the rest of the course. Click the "Enroll Now" button on this page to create an account and access this chapter.
Preview Lesson
1. What makes a good metric?
2. The most important skill in analytics
3. How to come up with a good metric
4. Quantifying the qualitative
5. Normalize your metrics
6. When to use medians
7. Ali's Metrics Framework
8. Practicing these skills
9. Set KPI's for any product
Takeaways and Key Lessons - Product Metrics
Exercises - Product Metrics
Exercise Solutions - Product Metrics
That's what we recommend. We feel like you'll get the most value that way and you'll learn them easier because there are occasional references to other chapters. However, each chapter has tons of standalone value as well and you will certainly benefit from taking it on its own.