4. How To Write A Tracking Plan
Write the most important document in all of product analytics: The Tracking Plan
All the analysis skills in the world won’t make a difference if you don’t have good data. You don’t get good data without planning it in advance. Hence the importance of the tracking plan.
The tracking plan contains a list of user actions and product occurrences that you want to capture data about. Included along with each action are the data points that capture the context around that action.
This chapter teaches you a simple process that you can use in order to write a tracking plan for any product, regardless of complexity.
Preview Lesson
1. The importance of good data capture
2. Event code snippets
3. What is Segment?
4. Tracking plans
5. How to build a tracking plan
6. User properties
7. Impact measurement in a PRD
Takeaways and Key Lessons - Tracking Plans
Exercises - Tracking Plans
Exercise Solutions - Tracking Plans
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